Lieberich, Nikolay
Lieberich Nikolay Ivanovich (1828 – 1883)
One of the most popular Russian sculptors of 19th century. Wide known for his smaller scale models cast in bronze.
Started sculpturing from late 1850s. His bronzes were presented at international world exhibitions in Paris, London, Philadelphia, Chicago.
Was very good in modeling hunting scenes and animals in general: bears, wolves, borzoy dogs, horses…
Knew and used a unique technique of casting the bear’s fur, which no one else in the world was able to do. The wax model was undergoing special chemical treatment for puffing up the wax surface before casting.
Was a very slow-worker. A new group could take him a year to produce. From 1870s till early 1880s he was busy with all kinds of special orders intended to be a gift for some high rang officials.
While he was alive he never let any foundry to place its mark on his bronzes. For casting used such foundries as Sokolov in the beginning and English Store’s workshop in the end if his lifetime.
All the bronzes bearing Woerffel mark were cast after Lieberich’s death in 1883.
Was quite attached to his creations as one time he refused to part with an already paid and executed order for a gentleman from USA.
Lieberich was like Salierry and Lanceray was like Motzart…so they didn’t get alone nicely. As a fact, Leiberich was called for a duel by Lanceray once… Somehow it didn’t work out, otherwise the world would loose one of them too early.
**Got a bronze by N.Lieberich? We can help you identify it, buy it from you, or sell you another one for your collection.